Communication Syatem

The communication system is an entity that has mutual interaction within its elements. The elements of the communication system are language and media which includes print media (newspapers, magazines, and books), electronic media (television, radio, cell phones, and so on), and symbols/signs (flag, traffic signals, colors, and so on). This system has its own boundary and an internal and external environment. It is a closed and open system with feedback. A communication system involves the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver.

Key components of communication

1: Sender

The person who sends a message is the sender. The sender encodes the message in the form of symbols (words) or signs.

2: Message

The message is the symbols and signs which are actually transmitted.

3: Receiver

The person who receives the message is the receiver. The receiver decodes the message.

4: Media/Channel

The medium through which the message is transmitted is called a channel.

5: Feedback

The receiver then responds to the message and provides feedback if he/she is not able to decode properly.

6: Environment

The environment is the physical, social, orpsychological context the communication takes place.