Parental Involvement In Schooling

An important session was conducted at a public sector school on October 14, 2022, with the parents. The headmaster of the school explained the role of parents and teachers in the holistic development of the students. He laid emphasis on parents’ supervision of their children in their studies. Professional Development Teacher (PDT) asked the parents to provide study corners for their children at home. 

He shared that during study hours children’s motivation can be increased when parents provide children with a cup of tea, available fruits as well as some words of appreciation.   In addition to it, parents were asked to monitor the activities of their children as well as other children in the neighborhood to create a productive environment in their respective localities. 

The following decisions were made during the discussion.

1.      Parents will visit the school frequently to ask the teachers about the performance of their children. They will be informed about the improved and need improvement areas of their children.
2.      Provision of study corners for the children will be ensured by the parents at home and they will show their involvement in their learning activities in any form. They will reinforce the study habits of their children by giving time and importance to their learning activities.
3.      In social gatherings and private discussions or other informal meetings, parents will discuss things about the study practices of their children so that the other parents will also be motivated and made realized to be involved in the study habits of their children.
4.      Performance of talented students in monthly assessments will be analyzed by PDT and shared with the parents in the next meeting. This will help the parents and students to plan and overcome the need for improvement in areas regarding learning. 
5.      Meetings with parents of talented students will be conducted on a monthly basis. This practice will support the teachers and parents both to monitor and evaluate the academic achievements of talented students.
6.      It was discussed that parents need to have complete familiarity and contact numbers of class teachers of their children and class teachers need to know the names and contact numbers of the parents of their respective classes.

This session proved to be an endeavor to make a difference in the schooling of children by ensuring parental involvement in students’ educational process. Parents and teachers both reflected on their roles in maximizing learning among the students. It will have a long-lasting impact if such sessions could be continued in the future regarding students’ academic achievements.