Influences of Political Systems on Education Planning

The political system and education planning cannot be separated from each other. Both have roots in societal needs and objectives. In education, the source of politics is governing powers that provide guidelines for educational policies for socio-economic and socio-cultural development. The government in power consider the involvement of educational institutions as an essential element for the promotion of the desired political, social and economic development in the society. 
Likewise, the education systems and professionals need the support and guidance of political systems and governing agencies in order to provide educational services to the people. Ruling political bodies are responsible to design policies of education, allocation of financial support, material resources and other facilities to carry with the educational process and training for the young generations. Educational planning cannot be carried out in separation of the political systems. 
The process of education planning is worked out while considering relevant data such as the trends in population, future forecasting, demands and needs of the public and will of the political system. In other words, the political systems influences education planning through the purpose of achieving their goals by using the educational system which then adopts the political aspects in their structure, programmes and management. For example, when a new government takes over the charge of the country, they appoint the bureaucratic officials according to their desire to carry out their programmes (Mark & Sar, 2015). 
Mark and Sar (2015) further said that providing education as being the right of every individual is the responsibility of the political system which aims to develop talented and productive individuals through education. Political systems make legislation that is trickled down to the grass root levels through education planning. Political systems determine the type of education and set pace of education. The transmission of great ideas, values, traditions and culture of a society is only possible through the education system. The political system determines the direction, type, location and process of education.
Political systems use education as a tool for their legitimacy and control government officials and administrative structures. Because of it, the aims of education are derived from national goals which are a set of political systems through which they maintain the authority of public concerns and actions. Thus, educational planning needs in it the reflection of the needs and demands of the citizens and the state. 
During the implementation of the programmes under the education plans and policies, the interests of the political pressure groups need to consider first. Political influence on education planning involves an intricate involvement of various groups such as politicians, bureaucrats and knowledge generators who form an educational structure intending to achieve what they desire what they consider the use for society (Ekpiken & Francis, 2015).


Ekpiken, W. E., & Francis, I. (2015). Politics of Leadership and Implementation of
Educational Policies and Programmes of Tertiary Institutions. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(35), 37-47. Retrieved September 23, 2018, from                                                                                                                                     
Mark, I, T., & Sar, A. D. (2015). The concepts of politics, education and the relationship
between politics and education in Nigeria. Danish Journal of Sociology and Political Sciences, 15 -18.


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